In Fertile Ground

Love Releases Life: Come Closer !

Newly awoken in the yoke of Loves’ view,
i see now how easy You are to please
By seeking of the heart as a spoken release,
i’ll feet my soul, my true Friend, on you

Your adoration laughs at fear,
afraid of nothing, but tender to hear
Teeth-white You let me watch your secret smile,
‘My Cherie, come with me for a little while !’

Received by faith, in light of leaving sorrow,
the mind cannot catch up what IS
Who can explain the power of a lover’s kiss,
while You look at me in my tomorrow

For ever the First, i exist for You alone,
spirit’ perfection to none but You is known
Real at the right time for a gazing glance,
You open your palms and start a brand new dance !

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